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3 Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy This Summer

Dee Bustos

Health And Wellness

Jul 14, 2021

10 min read

This summer, you may be wanting to stay healthy and keep your body in good working order so that you can continue to do the things that make you happy. Everyone at any age can benefit from a healthy lifestyle. However, it's not so easy to stay on top of, especially during a pandemic. While you may have felt more isolated throughout the winter and distant from family members, now that the weather is warming up and more people are out and about, you probably are thinking more about your health.

One of the most important parts of your body that you need to be paying extra attention to is your heart. Your heart is responsible for ensuring all of your organs and body parts get the blood they need. If you have recently spoken to your doctor and they recommended you start living a heart-healthy life, you may not be sure what that means. To keep yourself on the right track, continue reading below, as there are three ways to keep your heart healthy this summer. For those looking for home care services, the Bay Area has many options that will be excellent to keep you on the right track.

Limit Salt Intake

One of the biggest threats to the heart is a diet high in sodium. Too much salt can be tough on your body, so you want to limit your salt intake to ensure you live a heart-healthy lifestyle this summer. You can start by buying less processed foods like canned soup and prepackaged meats. When you are cooking, try not to use or limit the amount of salt you put in the dish while cooking, and don't add any during the meal. If you are used to keeping a salt shaker on the table and adding it to all your meals, try removing the salt shaker from your table altogether. Ensuring that it's not in sight will prevent you from wanting to grab it and shake it a little onto your dinner.

While it can sometimes seem that just a little may not do too much harm, it can have seriously detrimental effects on your health in the long run. Look up how much salt you need for your gender and weight. You'll find that most adults only should have a maximum of 6 g of salt per day and only 3 g of salt per day for children. This is much less than most people are getting. Start questioning how much salt is in food and keeping an eye on anything in the ingredients list that is undecipherable. If you receive in-home nursing in the Bay Area, you can speak to your helper to ensure you eat less salt.

Say Goodbye To Bad Habits

Bad habits are hard to kick, but when it comes to keeping your heart healthy, it is more important than ever. If you are a smoker, it is time you started to think more long-term about your health. If you have given up quitting smoking because you thought you're too far in, think again. The lungs can return to healthy functioning levels upon quitting smoking, especially if you stay a non-smoker. Similarly, if you have a drink or two every night and maybe more on the weekends, try cutting down. Substitute drinking alcohol with other beverages like soda, water, and kombucha.

Bad habits tend to be one of the worst things for the heart because it is a relentless assault on your system. Even if you've had this habit for many years, you can beat it, especially if you work hard. Exercising more and changing your environment are great ways to start. You can also work with an expert should you feel it impossible to quit. Many addiction specialists will help you get back on the right track. You can speak to your doctor, and they may be able to refer you to one of these. You can also look into caregiver services in the Bay Area, as they may also assist you in adopting healthier habits to replace some of the bad ones.

Get Full on Veggies

Your body needs lots of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy, especially the heart. Food high in potassium and other minerals like magnesium is essential to keeping your heart on the right track. As you begin adopting a healthier mindset this summer, think about the consequences of the food you eat and start making better choices. Rather than starting with a carby snack, fill up on veggies and fruits. There are tons of healthy vitamins and minerals in fruits and veggies, and if you get full on these first, you're less likely to reach for unhealthy options.

The more you eat fruits and vegetables regularly, the less you will be craving unhealthy snacks. Some essential fatty acids can benefit your heart, like omega-3's. You can get more of these by eating more seafood or seafood alternatives that contain Omega. Nut oils like coconut and macadamia nuts are good for the heart as well. You can also speak to your doctor or a dietician to find out the best foods to keep your heart healthy. If you're still on the hunt for a private nurse, the Bay Area has some great options for ensuring your health is in check.

As you step outside and enjoy the summer breeze, start thinking about what you can do to keep yourself healthy. As things are opening up, you're probably going to get to spend more time with family soon, and so you want to be as healthy as possible, and this could mean starting with your heart. Limit the amount of salt you're eating, kick those unhealthy habits to the curb, and eat more fruits and vegetables. These three simple tricks are going to have your heart in excellent condition. You can also speak to your doctor for more tips and if you require hospital sitting in the Bay Area.

Dee Bustos


Dee Bustos

Chief Executive Officer

Visionary. Optimist. Tech-savvy and results-oriented. Loves to sing during her almost non-existent spare time. Her motto: Dream BIG

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